4-Card Spread for a specific question
1. Ace of Wands-New Beginnings to awaken to your unchanging & inherent truths. There can be no holding back or editing of your Life Purpose. The question is: What am I beginning or restart again?
2. Ten of Cups-Satiety or satisfaction. This is what I am open to receive. This is emotional satisfaction and joy that radiates outward. How much inner ecstatic joy & gratitude am I open to receive in my work?
3. Four of Swords-Truce on all levels-spiritual, mental, emotional & physical. This is what I am projecting to the outside world and to be able to: a) show up b) pay attention c) tell the truth d) not be attached to the outcome.
4. Queen of Swords-The Mask Cutter This is the answer to my question. Be mentally objective without pretense to deepen my consciousness. The Queen is the councilor and that is what I do with the 3-month program. She says go for signing up folks for this 3-month program. Perhps this is your new career.
Ask your own question and send me your responses. judith@eugeneintuitive.com