Judith is a ‘Transformational Soul Spelunker’
Lighting The Way To Peace, Hope, And A Road Map Home
I am trained to access inner intuitive communication skills and have a no-nonsense style and extraordinary intuitive gifts that make me one of the most talented and best personal, business, and intuitive mentors and professional development coaches. I bring 39 years of ‘reading’ experience on radio and TV as a clairsentient, clairvoyant, and clairaudient.
I have led several spiritual tours to Machu Picchu in Peru. During my tours, I was invited to speak at the 1st and 2nd ‘Congreso Mistico Internacional’ in Lima, Peru, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, and studied with Quechua Elder Don Alejandro with the Mystery Schools of the Andes in Cusco, Peru. I also led spiritual tours to Mount Shasta in Northern California before moving to the magical mountain itself.
Origins & Trainings
Photo of Machu Picchu, Peru courtesy of Kai Stachowiak.
My original training was under the guidance of world-renowned people such as Marcy Calhoun, Dr. Jean Houston, and Quechua Elder Don Alejandro.
Before my Intuitive work, I taught languages - English, Spanish, and German at De Anza High School near San Francisco California. I studied Spanish in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Mexico, and Palma de Mallorca in Spain. I studied German in Berlin and Munich in Germany plus Salzburg, Austria. I created a tour company “Friendship Tours” and escorted folks to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Previous Work & Establishments
During this journey, I have created as many opportunities as possible to expose people to their inner guidance tools. I created The Judith Conrad Radio Program on KEST 1450 am around the topic of using intuitive skills for solutions.
Later, I expanded into the Sacramento, Los Angeles, and Seattle radio markets. Shortly afterward, I created a TV program called the Judith Conrad Show.
Always a new horizon looms ahead. I had a successful practice in the San Francisco Bay Area, in Mount Shasta, and now in Eugene, Oregon using my intuitive skills on the radio and in my "Measure for Success” Coaching Program.